Your Useful Links for 3/9/25

Good Day All,

Just a few links I found useful or cool.

Weird Word Tip – via Journal of Financial Accounting (JOFA). Lets you select a rectangular block of text. Just by holding Alt and dragging.

Go Ahead, Take the Stage via JOFA. This is not just your standard boilerplate public speaking tips, this has some fresh advice that I liked. Now only if I had a venue to speak at…

Last one – I’m not going to provide a link, but its for those of us who use the text box feature in Adobe Acrobat.  Adobe doesn’t make it easy to change the font options on these, but highlight the text and press Ctrl + E .


Using Business Intelligence to Understand your Residents

Good Day All,

Just read Using Business Intelligence to Understand your Residents by Tim Blackwell. I found it rather interesting about how they were using technology to return a human touch to their customers.  Readers of my site will know how much emphasis I put on practical uses of big data. So this one’s kinda cool. Check it out and as always share your opinions in comments!


Using Business Intelligence to Understand your Residents via Property Management Insider

5 steps to bringing analytics to life

Good Day All,

I hope everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday. Just read this article about bringing analytics to life. I like learning about Big Data, the whole topic speaks to me. In another life I’d probably would’ve gotten an Informational Decisions Science (IDS) degree. Masamvu discuses how organizations need to move away from descriptive analytics (i.e. what happened) to predictive analytics (i.e. what will happen).  But the key is that we need to focus on creating actionable results where we can have an effect on what will happen.  Masamvu breaks this into three bullet points

  • Understand the purpose of the initiative. In other words, why are you performing the analytics?
  • Ensure they have the right expertise and resources in place, understanding who is going to do it and how much it will cost.
  • Have a clear business case and road map for action from the insights.

Do you use Big Data insights in your organization? How are these used in CRE? Leave your thoughts in the comments.


5 Steps to Bringing Analytics to Life via CGMA Magazine


Windows 10?

Good Day All,

We finally have some info on the next version of Windows.  Well for those of use (like me) who’ve skipped 8 because it looks so foreign it looks like our patience has paid off. A desktop and a start menu! Of course there’s a host of other features and in upcoming posts I’ll probably talk more about those but for now let’s settle the debate on the 9 skipping. Let me know your thoughts in comments.

Microsoft Windows Boss Elaborates on Decision to Skip Windows 9 via Maximum PC


Ten most anticipated business books of the fall

Hello All,

Forbes put out their list of the ten most anticipated books. Check it out here.  The only one I’m interested in is Gawande’s Being Mortal. Long time readers will note that I’ve previously reviewed his masterpiece The Checklist Manifesto and really enjoyed it. So I’m looking forward to this one. As for the rest I won’t judge books by their covers however, I just didn’t see much to spark my interest. Do you agree or disagree? let me know in comments.


Gamepads for Business?

Good Day Readers,

I came across this article on LifeHacker Using A Gamepad for Serious Business. In the post it describes a photographer who uses a gamepad for culling which adds a measure of fun to an otherwise boring process. As we all know making tasks fun leads to gains in productivity. This got me thinking – How could I use a gamepad to control some aspects of my day job. Sounds like a future software project to work on!
