Is your office layout bringing your employees down?

Good Day All,

Just read through this article Is your office a downer? the article describes some design tips to maximize employee productivity . It explains that in efforts to reduce costs with desk hotelling and open concepts we sometimes lose site of the people who need to use those spaces to do their jobs.  One of the tips in particular spoke to me, as it’s something I do nearly every day I’m in the office: Going for walks.

I try to move as much as possible, as this helps me think. While normally I take a walk around a nearby park at lunch time, I can usually be found taking a quick stroll around the office to energize myself to work on a project or clear my head before a call. While some might say those are wasted minutes, I feel it increases the quality of my work greatly.

I’d also really like to get a plant, but I’m afraid it’d die.

Do you have tips for your work style or office? Let me know in comments!



Is Your Office a Downer? via 

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